Upcoming final exam

when and where The final exam is coming up on Friday May 7 (9:50am to 11:50). You will have the whole two hour period to take the exam (but you should not need the whole period).

what The exam will cover all material covered in lectures and lab.

NOTE: we skipped over the lecture on individual-based models- this topic will (of course) not be included on the final exam

NOTE: we skipped over the Parameter estimation for PVA, including basic capture-recapture methods (lecture) - this topic will (of course) not be included on the final exam

The exam will consist of a mixture of multiple-choice and short-answer questions (including a few definitions).

Final logistics

Final exam

  • This Friday, May 7 from 9:50-11:50 (via zoom/tophat)

Final papers

  • Everyone should have received detailed feedback over the weekend - please let us know if you have any questions.
  • Final papers due May 12 at 5pm (webcampus submission)

Extra credit

  • Will accept up to four extra credit write-ups (two presentations and two papers)
  • Submit extra credit assignments via webcampus (file submission) – one submission per each of the four ‘assignments’.
  • Due when final papers are due, by the end of finals period (Wed May 13 at 5pm).

Office hours/Study session

  • Wed 5/5 at 10am via zoom (regular class time)

PLEASE fill out your course evaluations!

[–this is the final lecture–]